Azzurro’s Network Operations Centers have staff standing by to assist with any technical questions or assistance with live services. They can be reached at 212-625-2064 or via email at
Q: How are Azzurro services offered?
A: Based on customers requirements and budget, Azzurro products are available for rent, lease and purchase.
Q: How long does it take to turn up camera service for events or at-home talent?
A: Azzurro maintains a fleet of TX and UTX systems which can be shipped out within 24 hours.
Q: Does an Azzurro tech need to handle all camera system installations?
A: No, most systems can be handled by a local tech or in many cases the talent themselves. Azzurro’s Network Operations Centers have staff available to assist over the phone or video call.
Q: How much bandwidth is required for Azzurro products that work over an internet connection?
A: While service can be achieved as low as 3Mbps, Azzurro recommends a minimum of 10Mbps upload and download per video stream. Systems can used over DHCP or Static connections.