Dual Network Operations Centers
Azzurro’s Primary Network Operations Center serves as a Broadcast Hub to the industry. It is strategically located in New York City at 32 Avenue of the Americas (former AT&T Building). This ‘carrier hotel’ houses over 40 local and long distance telco providers and is backed up by multiple generators assuring that live services will not be interrupted.

Monitoring & Support
Azzurro’s Network Operations Centers are staffed by engineers and operators with backgrounds in live video broadcast over multiple platforms. Critical to our customers success, is our ability to maintain the health of the network and associated equipment at all times

Video Transmission and Connectivity
Our Network Operations Center serves as a video Meet-Me Point, offering connectivity to most Major Broadcast Networks, fiber, satellite and IP based carriers. Services include contribution, distribution, encoding / decoding, format and cross conversion based on customer requirements.

Private Network Design and Management
Azzurro designs, equips and manages local and intercity networks for the transmission of broadcast-quality digital video. Utilizing fiber, MPLS, satellite, cellular, cloud, and internet-based infrastructure, we provide secure, low latency options.

Live Shot Remote Setup
Technicians are available to assist with live broadcasts from all AzzurroCam Studios. Often dedicated to daily live shows, Azzurro staff assists the customers production team with full camera, lighting and audio control.

Field Services
Azzurro travels technicians to manage our equipment in the field when requested. We proudly support live, high profile events such as the Super Bowl.

Streaming Services
Azzurro manages low-latency, broadcast quality video for contribution to major Networks using the public internet already available at most locations.