Talent Home Camera system. Providing the benefits of the AzzurroCam in a streamlined, user-friendly configuration.
AzzurroUTX allows talent to easily convert their home into a live shot studio.
The AzzurroUTX HomeCam can be shipped directly to the analyst/talent home. All connections are labeled and color coded for simple plug and play installation.
- Easily shipped to remote sites.
- Set up and test in about an hour.
- Occupies a small footprint of 5’ x 5’.
- Azzurro NOC Remote assistance for technical support.
The system contains all necessary components for live broadcast:
- Panasonic PTZ Camera w/ tripod
- Haivision Codecs -providing low latency, bi-directional transmission over the Public Internet
- Full Camera and transmission control via Azzurro’s custom software
- 1’ x 1’ bi-color light panels w/ tripods
- Lavalier Microphone & IFB Kit
- 24” Monitor for Network Return, Prompter or Presentation
- Custom Audio & Video Harness for professional cable management