NICO Studio Controller
A real time, low-resolution video stream of the camera output is visible on the touch screen allowing a remote operator to frame shots.

Complete Broadcast Insert Studio in a mobile rack offering high quality video service that is reliable, cost effective and easy to operate from anywhere in the world.

Azzurro’s “satellite truck in a box” offers low latency, broadcast quality transmit & receive over the public internet in a briefcase size form factor.

Talent Home Camera system. Providing the benefits of the AzzurroCam in a streamlined, user-friendly configuration.

Azzurro Pop-Up Studio
The Azzurro Pop-Up Studio serves as a portable solution for live-to-air events from remote locations. In addition to all of the features of the AzzurroCam, it has a full complement of PRODUCTION elements.

Azzurro PIN Bridge
The Azzurro TX PIN Bridge is a rack mounted appliance containing a managed & monitored encoder/ decoder solution transmitting video over the Azzurro Public Internet Network (PIN). The unit is designed to enable transmission to and from remote locations as well as the Azzurro’s HD Network Operations Centers.